Sunday, May 29, 2011

Summary of first year in University: Intro

Adapting to the ever changing , growing up , making silly and painful mistakes, seeking for the right companions and struggling hard to survive the next day.

A year isn't really a long time. It can pass in just the twinkle of an eye. A year, sometimes isn't even long enough to allow a person to completely understand another nor himself. It isn't long enough for a student to learn the vast knowledge in this world. It isn't long enough for two lovers to feel that they have loved each other enough.

But a year... It is long enough to make a person feel tired. It is long enough to change a person's perception on something he used to believe in. It is long enough to make one feels confused. It is enough to make a confident person doubt himself.

Exactly a year ago, I was still wondering and feeling all excited about the life of a university student, just like a new born baby feeling excited about what life on earth can offer him.
I still haven't forgotten going to the internet goggling for the "Dos and don't s in college", asking friends who already had gone into colleges and universities to share out their experience and interesting stories, and I would enthusiastically listen to them and asked tons of questions; just like a child would excitedly listen to bed time stories and asked what happened to princes and princesses after the stories.

A year in university now. I have seen and experienced lives in university. I don't just listen to people's stories anymore. I am now a stories teller myself.

To be continued....

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